Entity Sports application programming interfaces (API) give you access to our sports data. You can use our Entity Sports API to build web and mobile sports application. Either it's fantasy sports or live score our data full fills requirements for all type of applications.
Entity Sports API deliver season, competition, teams, matches, player, statistical data for Cricket and Soccer. Since the API is true to RESTful principles, it’s easy to interact with using any tool capable of performing https requests, such as Postman or cURL.
To allow you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should remember that you should never expose your API keys in any public website's client-side code). JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.
$url = "[ACCESS_TOKEN]"; $curl = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $resp = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); var_dump($resp);
import requests url = "[ACCESS_TOKEN]" resp = requests.get(url) print(resp.status_code)
URL url = new URL("[ACCESS_TOKEN]"); HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage()); http.disconnect();
var request = require('request'); var options = { url: "[ACCESS_TOKEN]" }; function callback(error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { console.log(body); } } request(options, callback);
Getting Started
You will need an active access key and secret key with a valid subsciption to start using our API. Please visit to request your keys and subscription.
To access any API, you need a token. A token can be generated using your keys. Token is a piece of information that would allow you to access our API data for a short period of time (expire time). Auth API provides you the token, by validating your keys. Request to our Auth API whenever the access token is expired or unavailable.
- Path: /v2/auth/
- Method: Post
- POST Parameters
- access_key - Access Key of your Application.
- secret_key - Secret key of your Application
- extend - Token will expire on subscription end date.
If "extend" parameter is not used, Then the generated token will expire in 1 hour
Response status. if api request was sucessful, you will get a status ok, or error. If a error is returned, check the responseresponse.token:
access token.response.expires:
access token expire timestamp.
It's very easy to start using the EntitySport Cricket API. By passing your token as token to our api server, you can get access to our API data instantly.
https Request
Reference properties
Parameter | Value | Description |
api_doc | string | Api Document |
status_codes | array | Status Codes |
Status codes properties
Parameter | Value | Description |
ok | string | A successfull response |
error | string | if the request contains error |
invalid | string | if there is some mistake in request |
unauthorized | string | if the request is not authorized, usually for invalid/expired access token |
noaccess | string | No access to requested resource |
{ "status": "ok", "response": { "api_doc": "", "status_codes": { "ok": "Success", "error": "Failure", "invalid": "Invalid Request", "unauthorized": "Un authorized", "noaccess": "No access to requested resource" } }, "api_version": "3.0" }
All API request will resolve with any of the following https header status.
Response code
API request valid, informations ready to access
API request valid, but data was not modified since last accessed (compared using Etag)
Client side error. occurs for invalid request
Occurs for unauthorized request
Server side error. Internal server error, unable to process your request
All successfull API request will return json output. The basic structure of data is available on all of the calls.
Status - Possible Values are as follows:
A successfull response
if the request contains error
if the request is not authorized, usually for invalid/expired access token
if your app try to access non permitted data
contains the main data of the response. value can be string, number, array or object.
Number of item to list in each API request
Page Number for request
There are some informations that we call as OBJECT. A response can contain a single object, or multiple objects or no objects at all. It is important get famililar with our objects.
We have 7 Obejcts in total. A object is a set of data, which contains a unique identifier, and directly relates to other objects. ie: match object connects inning object, team object.
Each object has a unique identifier which start with the first character of object name, and id as suffix. ie: competition unique identified named as cid, for match it's mid, for player it's pid, for team, it's tid and for season - sid.
Season: A seaon is a year timeframe. ie: 2016, 2014-15 etc. Tournaments played between March to September is marked with current year as season name. From October - February, it is marked with cross year, four digit from current year, and 2 digit from next year, separated by a hyphen, ie: 2015-16.
Competition: Competition is a tour, or tournament, or throphy cup. A competition contains information matches, teams, player performance, table standings, season, dates, type, category etc
Round: Round act as a sub-competition of another competition. When a tournament demands group stage matches, or a tour contains different format matches (as series), we keep their data as round.
Match: Match is the core part of our api. A match makes connection between teams, competition, round, players and innings.
Inning: Inning hold single match inning data.
Team: A generic sports team, having a name, logo, country and type of team.
Player: A generic sports player.
Add Token
You can use it for your custom token or URL. If you want to try a token then you can simply fill your token in token field or you want to try a custom URL then please enter that in URL field.